Sexually, we both felt that our different skin tones were very erotic together…

I Am In An Interracial Relationship
October 18, 2014
I Am In An Interracial Marriage
October 18, 2014

42145113Mixed_race_weekI absolutely love the whole experience of interracial relationships. I think interracial couples are beautiful and their children always turn up so uniquely beautiful as well. My last relationship was with a white guy (i am a brown girl) and we really enjoyed the fact that we were so different. It was fascinating to explore. I cannot fathom dating someone of exactly the same race, culture, background anymore. There just wouldn’t be the same excitement of exploring something so different anymore.
Sexually, we both felt that our different skin tones were very erotic together. It made everything more explosive.

I loved the fact that his culture and background was alot more open than my Asian one although i am very fortunate to come from quite an open-minded family.
I loved walking through his hometown (which was very English by the way) although i stuck out like a sore thumb. People everywhere gave us curious looks that i’m sure every mixed couple gets. It was quite a hoot. We got alot of the whole “you are going to have some very beautiful kids”thing. It was a really lovely time. Pity things had to end because i had to move away.

Anyone in an interracial relationship or would like to be in one? I would love to hear your thoughts.

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